Rockpalast Archiv

Open Air Festival Loreley 22.-23. Juni 1996

Zum zweiten Mal in der Neuzeit, war der Rockpalast zum Open Air auf der Loreley, und diesmal 2 Tage lang. Der erste Tag wurde geprägt durch die Konzerte von Iggy Pop und David Bowie. Peter Rüchel meinte am zweiten Tag: Gestern haben wir ein Stück Rock TV Geschichte geschrieben. Meine Entdeckung des Tages waren Crown of Thorns.

Der zweite Tag stand unter dem Motto: Tribute to Rory Gallagher. Besonders die Band of Friends, sollten mit bekannten Musikern ein Rory Gallagher Tribute bieten, leider kamen erst angekündigte Musiker wie Slash oder Jack Bruce nicht, bzw. sagten kurzfristig ab. Siehe hierzu auch den Artikel Rockpalast Special 96 auf der Rory Gallagher Homepage von Volker Grupe.
Ansonsten ein Tag des Southern Rock, Molly Hatchet und der großartige Abschluß mit Lynyrd Skynyrd, die sich als begeisterte Fans von The Band zeigten.

1.Tag 22.Juni 1996




Brian Molko (g, voc)
Stefan Olsdal (b)
Robert Schultzberg (dr)


01 Come home
02 Big blue   
03 Bionic
04 Bruise Pristine    
05 Teenage Angst   
06 Nancy Boy


Placebo                                  (1995)
Without You I'm Nothing                  (1998) Hut/Virgin
Black Market Music                       (2000) Hut/Virgin
Sleeping With Ghosts                     (2003) Hut/Virgin 582602
Sleeping With Ghosts - Special Edition   (2003) Virgin 
Once More With Feeling Singles 1996-2004 (2004) Virgin
Meds                                     (2006) Virgin
Battle for the Sun                       (2009) PIAS
The Hut Recordings                       (2009) Hut/Capitol/EMI 6 CDs+2DVDs
Covers                                   (2010) EMI	    
B Sides 1996-2006                        (2011) EMI
Live At La Cigale                        (2011) EMI
Loud Like Love                           (2013) Universal
MTV Unplugged                            (2015) Universal
A Place For Us To Dream                  (2016) Universal
Never Let Me Go                          (2022) Rough Trade
Live                                     (2024) Elevator Lady 2LP+Blu-ray+CD


Soulmates Never Die - Live In Paris      (2004) DVD
Once More With Feeling Singles 1996-2004 (2004) Virgin DVD
We Come In Pieces                        (2011) Eagle DVD/DVD Deluxe/BluRay			


Placebo official
Placebo Wikipedia DE
Placebo Wikipedia EN
Placebo Rockpalast - BIZARRE Festival 2000
Placebo Rockpalast - Rock am Ring 2003
Placebo - Rockpalast ROCK AM RING 2006

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Placebo - MTV Unplugged [Blu-ray] - bei Amazon bestellen!

Placebo - We Come In Pieces Deluxe Edition [2 DVDs] - bei Amazon bestellen!

A Place For Us To Dream Doppel-CD - bei Amazon bestellen!


Crown of Thorns


Jean Beauvoir (voc, g, p, org)
Tommy Lafferty (g, b-voc)
Michael Paige (b, b-voc)
Hawk Lopez (dr, perc, b-voc)
Ray Rodriguez (key)


01 Are you ready?
02 Hike it up
03 Breakthrough
04 Standing on the Corner for Ya
05 Don't let me down
06 You wear it well
07 Over my Head


Voodoo X - The Awakening 
Crown Of Thorns 
Raw Thorns 
Killer Thorns
Breakthrough               (1996) 
Lost Cathedral             (1998) Point
Destiny Unknown            (2000) VoodooIsland
Karma                      (2002) Point
Faith                      (2008) Soulfood

Jean Beauvoir: Drums along the Mohawk (1986) CBS/Virgin Jacknifed (1988) CBS/Virgin Rockin' in the Street (1996) Virgin Bare To The Bones (2001) Voodoo Island Record/Point Music Chameleon (2004) Edel Records


Jean Beauvoir official
Jean Beauvoir
Jean Beauvoir Wikipedia EN

See also Jean Beauvoir with Little Steven 3.Open Air Loreley, 11.Rocknacht.

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CD - Karma - bei Amazon bestellen!

CD - Lost Cathedral - bei Amazon bestellen!


Alan Bangs und Frank Black  


Frank Black (g, voc)
Scott Boutier (dr)
David McCaffrey (b)
Lyle Workman (g)


01 The Marsist
02 Whatever happened to Pong?
03 Thalisocracy
04 The last Stand of Shazeb Andleeb
05 Los Angeles
06 Kicked in the Taco
07 Headache
08 Czar
09 Pray a little faster
10 Jesus was right
11 Men in Black
12 You ain't me


Frank Black                                   (1993) 4AD/Elektra 
Teenager Of The Year                          (1994) 4AD/Elektra 
The Cult Of Ray                               (1996) Warner Brother 
The Black Sessions: Live In Paris Plus The... (1996) Anoise 
Frank Black And The Catholics                 (1998) PIAS/Connected
Pistolero                                     (2000) Sony
Dog in the Sand                               (2001) What are?
Black Letter Days                             (2002) Indigo
Devil's Workshop                              (2002) Indigo
Show Me Your Tears                            (2003) Cooking Vinyl/Indigo
FrankBlackFrancis                             (2004) Cooking Vinyl
Honeybomb                                     (2005) Cooking Vinyl/Indigo
Fastman, Raiderman                            (2006) Cooking Vinyl/Indigo
Christmass                                    (2006) Live-CD/DVD
Bluefinger                                    (2007)
Svn Fngrs                                     (2008)
The Golem                                     (2010)
Non Stop Erotik                               (2010) Cooking Vinyl/Indigo
Abbabubba                                     (2011)
Paley & Francis                               (2011)
Live at Melkweg                               (2012) Frank Black & The Catholics                      


Gigantic: The Story of Frank Black & the Pixies
by John Mendelssohn
2005 Omnibus 199 pages ISBN: 184449490X


Frank Black
Black Francis
Frank Black Wikipedia EN
Frank Black Wikipedia DE

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CD - Show Me Your Tears - bei Amazon bestellen!

CD - Live at Melkweg - bei Amazon bestellen!




Heather Nova (g, voc)
Nadia Lanman (cello)
Christian Hayes (g)
Gareth Thomas (b)
Bob Thompson (dr)


01 Throwing Fire at the Sun
02 Lightyears
03 Walk this World
04 Island
05 Truth and Bone
06 I'm on Fire
07 Blue  Black
08 Sugar


The First Recordings     (1990) Big Cat Records ABB 132 SCD
Glow Stars               (1993) Butterfly/Big Life Records BFLCD 2
Blow [live]              (1993) Butterfly/Big Life Records BFLCD 8
Oyster Big Life          (1994) Butterfly/Big Life Records BFLCD 12
Live From The Milky Way  (1995) Big Cat Records OK 67046(Live Melkweg Amsterdam)
Siren                    (1998) Rough Trade
Wonderlust               (2000) V2/Zomba
South                    (2001) V2/Zomba 189.3176.2
Storm                    (2003) Sony
Redbird                  (2005) Sony/BMG
The Sorrowjoy            (2006) Poems by Heather Nova
The Jasmine Flower       (2008) Ariola/Sony/BMG
300 Days At Sea          (2011) Warner                       
The Way It Feels         (2015) Warner                        
Pearl                    (2019) OMN Label Service
Other Shores             (2022) Saltwater Music
Breath And Air           (2025) V2


Heather Nova - Live at the Union Chapel (2004) Sony


The Sorrowjoy
Poems by Heather Nova, Saltwater Books 2002, ISBN-13: 978-0954211509


Heather Nova Official
Heather Nova
Das deutsche Heather Nova Portal
Heather Nova Gallery
Heather Nova Wikipedia DE
Heather Nova Wikipedia EN
Berit Fridahl
Heather Nova Rockpalast Loreley 1998
Heather Nova Rockpalast Christmas Special 1998
Heather Nova Rockpalast Osterrocknacht 2002
Heather Nova Rockpalast Loreley 1998 - Pictures Rockpalast Archiv
Heather Nova Rockpalast Christmas Special 1998 - Pictures Rockpalast Archiv
Heather Nova Rockpalast Osterrocknacht 2002 - Pictures Rockpalast Archiv

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DVD - Heather Nova - Live at the Union Chapel - bei Amazon bestellen!

CD - The Way It Feels - bei Amazon bestellen!




Jarvis Cocker (voc, g)
Mark Webber (g, key)
Steve Mackey (b)
Russell Senior (g, viol)
Candida Doyle (key)
Nick Banks (dr)


01 Disco 2000
02 Do you remember the first Time
03 MisShapes
04 Babies
05 Sorted for E's & Wizz
06 Live Bed Show
07 Underwear
08 Common People


It                (1983) Red Rhino 
Freaks            (1986) Fire 
Separations       (1992) Razor & Tie 
His 'n' Hers      (1994) Island 
Different Class   (1995) Island 
This Is Hardcore  (1998) Island 
We Love Life      (2001) Island/Mercury/Universal
Hits              (2002) Island/Universal
The Peel Sessions (2006) 


Hits              (2003) Island Mercury/Universal
Ultimate Live     (2005) Universal


The Illustrated Story
Paul Lester
London 1996, 80 S., 100 Abb.

Martin Aston
London 1996, 208 S. 30 Abb.

The Tommorow People
Susan Wilson
London 1996, 80 S., 100 Abb.

An Illustrated Biography
Linda Holomy
London 1996, 120 S., 60 Abb.

Michael Heatley
Jarvis Cocker - In his own words
London 1998, Paperback, 96 pages, 25 pics

The Pulp Story
Mark Sturdy
London 2003, Paperback, 500 pages, 30 pictures


Pulp Wikipedia DE
Pulp Wikipedia EN
Pulp Wiki
Jarvis Cocker
Pulp Rockpalast Loreley 1998 - Pictures Rockpalast Archiv

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CD - This Is Hardcore - bei Amazon bestellen!

Pulp - Ultimate Live DVD - bei Amazon bestellen!


Iggy Pop  


Iggy Pop (voc)
Pete Marshall (g)
Hal Wonderful (b)
Larry Contrary (dr)


01 I wanna live
02 Down on the Street
03 Heart is saved
04 Raw Power
05 Search and destroy
06 Sister Midnight
07 Real wild Child
08 I wanna be your Dog
09 Passenger
10 Lust for Life
11 Home
12 Sick of you
13 No Fun
14 Sixteen
15 1969


The Idiot                               (1977) Virgin 
Lust for Life                           (1977) Virgin 
TV Eye (live)                           (1978) RCA 
New Values                              (1979) Arista 
Soldier                                 (1980) Arista 
Party                                   (1981) Arista 
Zombie Birdhouse                        (1982) IRS 
Choice Cuts                             (1984) RCA 
Blah Blah Blah                          (1986) A&M 
Instinct                                (1988) A&M 
Brick By Brick                          (1990) Virgin 
American Caesar                         (1993) Virgin 
Wild Animal                             (1995) New rose 
Live At The Channel, Boston MA 1988     (1995) ROIR 
Live At The Ritz NYC 1986               (1995) New Rose Blues 
Wake Up Suckers                         (1995) Sky Dog 
We're Not Talking About Commercial Shit (1995) Sky Dog 
Naughty Little Doggie                   (1996) Virgin 
Heroin Hates You                        (1997) Other People's 
King Biscuit Flower Hour (live)         (1997) King Biscuit 
Avenue B                                (1999) Virgin 
Beat Em Up                              (2001) Virgin
Skull Ring                              (2003) Virgin
A Million In Prizes                     (2005) Virgin/EMI The Iggy Pop Anthology
Where The Faces Shine                   (2007) SoulFood 6 CD Box
Preliminaires                           (2009) EMI
Live In Cleveland 1977                  (2009) ZYX
Apres                                   (2012) Thousand Mile
Post Pop Depression                     (2016) Universal
Free                                    (2019) Universal
The Bowie Years                         (2020) Universal 7CDs
Every Loser                             (2023) Warner
Live At Montreux Jazz Festival 2023     (2025) Edel

Iggy And The Stooges (selected) Stooges (1969) Fun House (1970) Raw Power (1973) Metallic ko (1976) Live I'm sick of you (1981) anthology I got a right (1987) anthology Iggy Pop & The Stooges - Head On (2003) NMC The Stooges Heavy Liquid (2004) Soul Food 6 CD Box Fun House (2005) Deluxe Edition Stooges (2005) Deluxe Edition Telluric Chaos (2005) Weirdness (2007) Ready To Die (2013) Rough Trade Post Pop Depression (2016) Universal You Think You're Bad Man? (2020) Cherry Red 5CD Road Tapes 73-74 Born In A Trailer (2021) Cherry Red 4CD The Session And Rehearsal Tapes (72-73)


Kiss My Blood                           (2004) 
Iggy Pop - Jesus? This Is Iggy          (2004) 
Iggy & The Stooges Live In Detroit      (2004) MVD
Live At The Avenue B                    (2005) Virgin
Escaped Maniacs                         (2007) EMS (Iggy & The Stooges)
American Valhalla                       (2018) Eagle Iggy Pop and Joshua Homme


I need more - The Stooges and other Stories
Iggy Pop, Anne Wehrer
New York 1982, 128 S., 10 Abb.

Modern Icons
London 1997, 96 S., 50 Abb.

Iggy Pop & Stooges - Raw Power
Mick Rock
London 1997, 96 S., 80 Abb.

Alvin Gibbs
Neighbourhood Threat - On Tour with Iggy Pop
London 1995, Paperback, 145 pages, 200 pics

Gimme Danger: The Story Of Iggy Pop
Joe Ambrose Omnibus Press 2003 310p

Iggy Pop and the Stooges - Mick Rock
Berlin 2003 Paperback 224 pages, 200 pictures

Joe Ambrose
Iggy Pop
London 2002,  Linen, 308p. 50pic.

Iggy Pop
Paul Trynka
Rogner & Bernhard 2008, 528 Seiten


Iggy and the Stooges official
Iggy Pop official
Iggy Pop
RockHeroes Iggy Pop
Iggy Pop Wikipedia DE
Iggy Pop Wikipedia EN
Iggy and the Stooges
Iggy Pop Bizarre Festival 1996
Iggy Pop - WDR Rockpalast

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Iggy Pop - Post Pop Depression: Live At Royal Albert Hall DVD - bei Amazon bestellen!

Gimme Danger - Über den Mythos "The Stooges" (OmU) DVD - bei Amazon bestellen!

Iggy & The Stooges - Raw Power Live: In the Hands of the Fans [Blu-ray] - bei Amazon bestellen!

Iggy Pop - Kiss My Blood: Live at the Olympia DVD - bei Amazon bestellen!


Greg Graffin - Bad Religion  


Greg Gaffin (voc)
Greg Hetson (g)
Bobby Schayer (dr)
Jay Bentley (b)
Brian Baker (g)


01 The gray Race
02 No Control
03 The Handshake
04 Digital Boy
05 American Jesus
06 Them and us
07 Anastesia
08 Watch it die
09 Ten in 2010
10 Change of Ideas
11 Along the Way
12 A Walk
13 Do what you want
14 Fuck Armageddon
15 Punk Rock Song
16 Modern Day Cat
17 Suffer
18 What it is
19 Drunk Sincerity
20 The Streets of America
21 Leave mine to me
22 Pity the Dead
23 Recipe for Hate
24 Lookin' in
25 Come join us
26 Faith alone
27 Conquor
28 Only gonna die
29 Cease


Into The Unknown         (1983) Epitaph 
Back To The Known        (1984) Epitaph 
Suffer                   (1988) Epitaph 
No Control               (1989) Epitaph 
Against The Grain        (1990) Epitaph 
Generator                (1992) Epitaph 
Recipe For Hate          (1993) Atlantic 
Stranger Than Fiction    (1994) Atlantic 
All Ages                 (1995) Epitaph 
Gray Race                (1996) Atlantic 
Tested                   (1997) Epic 
No Substance             (1998) Dragnet/Sony
The New America          (2000) Epic
The Process Of Believe   (2002) Epitaph/Connect 5663520128
The Empire Strikes First (2004) Epitaph/SPV
New Maps Of Hell         (2007) Epitaph/SPV 
The Dissent of Man       (2010) Epitaph	    
True North               (2013) Epitaph
Christmas Songs          (2013) Epitaph Records


The Riot                 (2001) L.A. Access Video
Punk Rock Songs          (2004) Sony
Along The Way            (2004) Epitaph Records
Live At The Palladium    (2006) Epitaph/SPV


Bad Religion official Page
Bad Religion
Bad Religion Wikipedia DE
Bad Religion Wikipedia EN
Bad Religion - WDR Rockpalast
Bad Religion - Rockpalast Rock am Ring 2002

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Bad Religion - Live at the Palladium (Los Angeles) DVD - bei Amazon bestellen!

Bad Religion - The Riot [Special Edition] DVD - bei Amazon bestellen!


In memory of David Bowie 8. January 1947 - 10. January 2016 R.I.P.

David Bowie Foto WDR  


Reeves Gabriels (g)
Mike Garson (key)
Gail Ann Dorsey (b)
Zach Alford (dr)
David Bowie (voc)


01 Look back in Anger
02 Scary Monsters (and super Creeps)
03 Diamond Dogs
04 The Hearts filthy Lesson
05 Outside
06 Aladdin Sane
07 Andy Warhol
08 The Voyeur of Utter Destruction (as Beauty)
09 Man who sold the World
10 Telling Lies
11 Outside my Window
12 Hallo Spaceboy
13 Breaking Glass
14 we prick you
15 Jump they say
16 Lust for Life
17 Under Pressure
18 Heroes
19 White Light
20 Moonage Daydream
21 All the young Dudes


Feelin' Good                           (1965) Prestige 
Out of Sight                           (1965) Prestige 
David Bowie                            (1966) Atlantic 
David Bowie (Love You Till Tues)       (1967) Deram 
David Bowie                            (1965) Deram 
Man of Words / Space Oddity            (1969) Mercury 
Space Oddity/Man of Words/Man of Music (1969) Atlantic 
Space Oddity                           (1969) Rykodisc 
The Man Who Sold the World             (1970) Rykodisc 
Hunky Dory                             (1972) Rykodisc            
The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust      (1972) Rykodisc 
Aladdin Sane                           (1973) Rykodisc 
Pin-Ups                                (1973) Rykodisc 
David Live                             (1974) Rykodisc 
Diamond Dogs                           (1974) Rykodisc 
Young Americans                        (1975) Rykodisc 
Station To Station                     (1976) Rykodisc 
Low                                    (1977) Rykodisc 
Heroes                                 (1977) Rykodisc 
Starting                               (1977) Point 
Evening With David Bowie               (1978) RCA 
Bowie Now                              (1978) RCA 
Peter And The Wolf                     (1978) RCA 
Stage                                  (1978) Rykodisc 
1980 All Clear                         (1979) RCA 
Golden Double                          (1979) RCA 
Lodger                                 (1979) Rykodisc 
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)      (1980) Rykodisc 
Another Face                           (1981) Decca 
Don't Be Fooled By The Name            (1981) PRT 
Changes                                (1981) RCA 
In Bertolt Brecht's Baal               (1982) RCA 
Christian F Wir Kinder                 (1982) RCA 
Ziggy Stardust                         (1982) RCA 
A Second Face                          (1983) Decca 
Let's Dance                            (1983) Virgin 
Fame & Fashion                         (1984) RCA 
Portrait Of A Star                     (1984) RCA 
Wild Is The Wind                       (1984) RCA 
Tonight                                (1984) Virgin 
Time Will Crawl                        (1987) EMI America 
Day In, Day Out                        (1987) EMI 
Never Let Me Down                      (1987) Virgin 
1966                                   (1988) Castle 
Bowie Tech Pack                        (1991) Rykodisc 
Tech Unit                              (1991) Rykodisc 
Black Tie White Noise                  (1993) Virgin 
Jump: Interactive                      (1994) Ion 
Outside                                (1995) RCA 
Santa Monica '72                       (1995) Golden Years 
Buddha of Suburbia                     (1995) Virgin 
Earthling                              (1997) Virgin
Hours                                  (1999) Virgin
The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust      (2002) EMI limited 30th Anniversary 2CD Edition
Heathen                                (2002) Columbia
Best Of Bowie (Deutsche Edition)       (2002) EMI
Aladdin Sane                           (2003) EMI 30th Anniversary Edition
Reality                                (2003) Columbia
Diamond Dogs 30th Anniversary Edition  (2004) Capitol 2CD                        
The Platinum Collection                (2005) 3 CDs 57 Tracks EMI
Young Americans                        (2007) EMI CD+DVD
The Best of 1980/1987                  (2007) EMI CD+DVD
Live Santa Monica '72                  (2008) EMI
Iselect                                (2008) EMI
Space Oddity                           (2009) EMI 40th Anniversary 2CD Edition 
A Reality Tour                         (2010) Sony
Ziggy Stardust                         (2012) EMI 40th Anniversary			
The Next Day                           (2013) Sony            
Sound + Vision                         (2014) Warner 4CDs
Nothimg Has Changed - Deluxe Edition   (2015) Warner 3 CDs 
Five Years 1969-1973                   (2015) Warner 12 CDs
Blackstar                              (2016) Sony
Who Can I Be Now?                      (2016) Warner 12 CD-Box 1974-1976
Legacy                                 (2016) Warner 2 CD
Cracked Actor Live LA 1974             (2017) Warner
Loving The Alien 1983-1988             (2018) Rhino/Atlantic 11- CD-Box
Toy                                    (2022) Warner 6EP
Divine Symmetry                        (2022) Warner 4CD/Blu-ray
Rock'N'Roll Star                       (2024) Warner 5CD/Blu-ray


The Best Of Bowie                       (2003) EMI - 2 DVD Set
Ziggy Stardust                          (2003) EMI
Sound & Vision                          (2003) Ufa Dokumentation
A Reality Tour 2003                     (2004) Sony
Inside Bowie & The Spiders 69-72        (2004) Classic Rock/Harris DVD
Black Tie, White Noise                  (2005) EMI DVD
Inside Bowie & The Spiders 72-74        (2005) Classic Rock/Harris DVD
Best Of Bowie                           (2005) EMI
Serious Moonlight                       (2006) EMI/Capitol DVD "83 Lets Dance Tour"
Under Review 1976-79 The Berlin Trilogy (2007) Chrome Dreams/inAkustik
Up Close And Personal                   (2007) [UK IMPORT]
Music in Review                         (2007) Soulfood (+ Buch)   	
GlassSpider                             (2007) EMI Live 1987 Sidney
VH1 Storyteller                         (2009) EMI            
Der Mann, Der Vom Himmel Fiel           (2011) Arthaus	    
Beside Bowie - The Mick Ronson Story    (2018) Universal 
Moonage Daydream                        (2022) Universal


David Bowie - Die Biographie
George Tremlett
Köln 1995, 336 S., 36 Abb.

The Bowie Companion
Elizabeth Thomson, David Gutman
London 1995, 288S., 20 Abb.

David Bowie World 7"Records
Marshall Jaman
Hetshire 1994, 685 S., 49 Abb.

Living on the Brink
George Tremlett
London 1997, 288 S., 40 Abb.

The complete guide to the music
David Buckley
London 1996, 80 S., 20 Abb.

Loving th Alien
Christopher Sandford
London 1997, 381 S., 35 Abb./ deutsche Übersetzung Wien 1997

The Concert Tapes
Pimm Jal de la Parra
London 1991, 348 S., 310 Abb.

David Bowie Lyrics
Rom 1990, 88 S.

Helden, David Bowie und Berlin
Tobias Rüther
2008, Roger&Bernhard Berlin, 221 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-8077-1031-0

Bowie: Retrospektive
Paolo Hewitt
2013, Edel, 288 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-8419-0159-0

David Bowie - Ein Leben in Bildern von Chris Welch
2016 Heel Verlag 160 Seiten ISBN 987-3-95843-325-0

David Bowie: Stardust Interviews. Ein Leben in Gesprächen
Cornelia Künne und Juliane Nossack
2019, Kampa, 182 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-311-14005-4

An Ilustrated Record
Roy Carr, Charles Shaar Murray
London 1981, 120 S., 110 Abb.

Moonage Daydreams
Dave Tompson
London 1987, 224 S., 200 Abb.

The rise and fall of Ziggy Stardust...
Classic Rock Album Series
New York 1998, Paperback, 165 pages, 25 pics

David Bowie - Ein Mythos will nicht müde werden
Christopher Sandford
Broschur, 400 Seiten, 16 Seiten s/w Fotos ISBN 3-85445-143-1

Chrome Dreams - Maximum Bowie
London 2002, Audio Bio CD

David Bowie - Melodie und Mythos
Zürich 2003, Paperback 100 S. Kulturmagazin du

David Bowie - Live in New York
Myriam Santos-Kayda
New York 2003, Linen 160p, 160 pic.

Bowie In Berlin
Thomas Jerome Seabrook
Jawbone 2008, 272 pages english

David Bowie: Die Biografie [Gebundene Ausgabe] Marc Spitz (Autor)
Gebundene Ausgabe: 560 Seiten Verlag: Edel Germany; Auflage: 1 (7. Oktober 2010) Sprache: Deutsch ISBN-10: 3941378872 ISBN-13: 978-3941378872

David Bowie. The Music And The Changes: Complete To His Music. Timeline
David Buckley 2015 Omnibus Pree, 176 Pages, ISBN 978-1-78038-988-2

David Bowie: Ein Leben - Dylan Jones
2018 Rowohlt geb. 816 Seiten ISBN 978-3-498-03241-8

Low: David Bowie's Berlin Years - von Reinhard Kleist
Carlsen Comics (26. November 2024) 176 Seiten ISBN-13 : 978-3551793638


David Bowie official Site
David Bowie
Little Wonderworld
RockHeroes David Bowie
Wilson & Alroy's David Bowie Reviews
David Bowie Wikipedia DE
David Bowie Wikipedia EN
David Bowie Discography Wikipedia EN

Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen

David Bowie - A Reality Tour 2003 DVD - bei Amazon bestellen!

David Bowie - Best of Bowie [2 DVDs] - bei Amazon bestellen!

Der Mann, der vom Himmel fiel (2 Discs, Digital Remastered) - bei Amazon bestellen!

Blackstar CD - bei Amazon bestellen!

Heroes Enhanced CD - bei Amazon bestellen!

CD Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust Original Recording Remastered - bei Amazon bestellen!

2.Tag 23.Juni 1996


Samuel Eddy Interview  


Samuel Eddy (Eamonn McCormack) (g, voc)
"Sully" O'Sullivan (b)
Ger Farrell (dr)


01 Sake Of Rock'n'Roll 
02 Down And Out 
03 Got Me A Harley 
04 Calling Card 
05 Falsley Accused 
06 Johnny B. Goode


Samuel Eddy           (1995) SPV 084 - 96372
Strangers on the Run  (1996) SPV 085 - 89422
Kindred Spirits       (2008) True Talent Records
Heal My Faith         (2012) inakustik


Eamonn McCormack Wikipedia
Eamonn McCormack official
Eamonn McCormack Facebook

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CD - Samuel Eddy - bei Amazon bestellen!

Eamonn McCormack - Like There's No Tomorrow Doppel-CD - bei Amazon bestellen!


In memory of Phil McCormack 1960 - 2019  R.I.P.



Bobby Ingram (g)
Phil McCormack (voc)
Bryan Bassett (g)
Mac Crawford (dr)
Andy McKinney (b)
John Galvin (key)
Leslie Hawkins (b-voc)
Therisa McCoy (b-voc)


01 Bounty Hunter
02 It's all over now
03 Gator Country
04 Rolling Thunder
05 Devil's Canyon
06 Down from the Mountain
07 Whiskey Man
08 Dreams I'll never see
09 Fall of the Peacemakers
10 The Journey
11 Flirtin' with Disaster


Molly Hatchet                          (1978) Epic 
Flirtin' With Disaster                 (1979) Epic 
Beatin' The Odds                       (1980) Epic 
Take No Prisoners                      (1981) Epic 
No Guts No Glory                       (1983) Epic 
Deed Is Done                           (1984) Epic 
Double Trouble Live                    (1985) Epic 
Lightning Strikes Twice                (1989) Capitol 
Cut To The Bone                        (1995) Sony Special P 
Devil's Canyon                         (1996) Mayhem 
Silent Reign of Heroes                 (1998) CMC
Kingdom of XII                         (2000) CMC/SPV/CBH
Locked And Loaded                      (2003) SPV DCD
25th Anniversary - Best Of Re Recorded (2004) SPV
Warriors Of The Rainbow Bridge         (2005) SPV
Live at the Agora Ballroom             (2006) Cargo
Flirtin' With Disaster Live            (2007) ZYX
Justice                                (2010) SPV	    
Greatest Hits II                       (2011) SPV
Live at Rockpalast                     (2013) M.I.G.
Paying Tribute                         (2013) Soulfood
Fall Of The Peacemakers 1980-1985      (2018) Cherry Red 4CD
Battleground                           (2019) SPV 2CD/3Lp


Live In Hamburg                        (2005) SPV incl.Bonus Live CD
Flirtin' With Disaster Live            (2007) ZYX
Live at Rockpalast                     (2013) M.I.G.


The Official Molly Hatchet Web Site
Molly Hatchet
Dirk's UnOfficial Molly Hatchet Page Deutsch/english
Molly Hatchet Wikipedia EN
Molly Hatchet Wikipedia DE

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2 CD - Locked and Loaded/Live - bei Amazon bestellen!

DVD - Molly Hatchet "Live at Rockpalast" - order now at Amazon!        DVD Info
CD - Molly Hatchet "Live at Rockpalast" - order now at Amazon!


Muddy Waters Tribute Band  


Luther "Guitar" Johnson (g)
Willie "Big Eyes" Smith (dr, voc)
Bob "Steady Rollin" Margolin (g, voc)
Calvin "Fuzz" Jones (b)
Carey Bell (harp)
Guest: Levon Helm (The Band)


01 Clouds in my Heart
02 Walking through the Park
03 Can't spend what you ain't got
04 You ain't have to go
05 Honey Bee
06 Wrapped up in Love again
07 Laundromat Blues
08 I'm ready
09 Sure as you live
10 Hard hard Way
11 Hoochie coochie Man
12 Gone to Main Street
13 Got my Mojo working
14 Mannish Boy


You're Gonna Miss Me (When I'm Dead & Gone) (1996)


Review on the Band Site
MUDDY WATERS BLUESBAND - Westfalenhalle Dortmund 10.12.1978

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CD - You'Re Gonna Miss Me - bei Amazon bestellen!


In memory of Rick Danko Dec. 29 1942 - Dec. 10 1999; Richard Bell March 5, 1946 – June 15, 2007;
Levon Helm May 26 1940- April 19 2012 and Eric „Garth“ Hudson August 3 1937 - January 21 2025   R.I.P.

Rick Danko     Levon - The Band     Garth Hudson


Rick Danko (b, g, voc)
Levon Helm (dr, mand, b)
Garth Hudson (key, horns)
Randy Ciarlante (dr, voc, b)
Jim Weider (g)
Richard Bell (key, voc)


01 Back to Memphis
02 Stuff you gotta watch
03 Stagefright
04 Remedy
05 Ophelia
06 Makes no Difference
07 Rag Mama rag
08 Crazy Mama
09 The Weight
10 Stand up
11 Free your Mind
12 Shape I'm in
13 Rock'n'roll Shoes
14 Chest fever


Music from Big Pink                 (1968)  Capitol SKAO-2955
The Band (the brown album)          (1969)  Capitol STAO-132
Stage Fright                        (1970)  Capitol SW-425
Cahoots                             (1971)  Capitol ST-651
Rock Of Ages                        (1972)  Capitol SABB-11045
Moondog Matinee                     (1973)  Capitol SW-11214
In Concert                          (1973)  EMI 81466
Northern Lights - Southern Cross    (1975)  Capitol ST-11440
Islands                             (1977)  Capitol SO-11602
The Last Waltz                      (1978)  Warner Bros. 3WB-3146
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down (1992)  Capitol Special Prod. 757260 
Jericho                             (1993)  Pyramid R2 71564 
Live At Watkins Glen                (1994)  (45 min.) - Capitol 31742
High On the Hog                     (1996)  Rhino/Pyramid 72404
Jubilation                          (1998)  River North/In Akustik
The Last Waltz                      (2002)  WSM 4-CD Box (complete concert)
A Musical History                   (2005)  Capitol/EMI 5 CD, 1 DVD, 1 Book
Live At The Academy Of Music 1971   (2013)  Capitol 4CD/DVD
Carter Barron Amphitheater 1976     (2014)  Soulfood
And Than There Were Four            (2015)  inakustik
The Last Waltz 40th Anniversary     (2016)  Warner 4 CD + Blu-ray
The Band                            (2019)  Capitol 2CD/2LP - Deluxe Boxset 2CD/Blu-ray 2LP Book
Stage Fright                        (2021)  Capitol 2CD or Deluxe w. Blu-ray, Lp, Single Book

You'll find a comprehensive discography with all solo projects at The Band Homepage.


The Last Waltz                        117 min. - MGM/UA - Warner Home Video R-18
The Band Is Back                      87 min (US version 59 min) - 1983 - Pioneer Artist Video
Reunion Concert 1983                  Home Video(?) SRT R-19 
Japan Tour                            110 min - Pioneer PILP-2016 
Live at the New Orleans Jazz Festival 63 minutes - Pioneer Laserdisc LR-3364A
The Authorized Biography              75 min  Capital Cities/ABC Video Publishing
Live At Loreley                       74 min BMG DVD
The Last Waltz                        117 min. Collector's Edition +Specials DVD MGM

You'll find a comprehensive videography with all solo projects at The Band Homepage.



The Band Homepage
The Band
The Band Wikipedia EN
The Band Wikipedia DE
Levon Helm
Garth Hudson

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The Band DVD - The Last Waltz - bei Amazon bestellen!

Bob Dylan & the Band - Before the Flood Doppel-CD - bei Amazon bestellen!



Angekündigt als BAND OF FRIENDS zum Rory Gallagher Tribute

NBZ Dennis Greaves  


Dennis Greaves (g, voc)
Gerry McAvoy (b, voc)
Brendan O'Neill (dr)
Billy Boy (harp)
Mark Feltham (harp)
Robbie McIntosh (g)
Brian Robertson (g)
Lou Martin (key)
Paul Rose (g)
De Dannan (Irish Band)


01 It's Nothing New 
02 Soft Touch 
03 On The Road Again 
04 The Blues Moved In When You Moved Out 
05 Ridin' On The L & N 
06 Tattoed Lady 
07 Messin'With The Kid 
08 I Wanna Be Loved (But Only By You) 
09 The Loop 
10 C. C. Baby 
11 Off The Handle 
12 Laundromat 
13 Let's Work Together 
14 Don't Start Me Talkin' 
15 Tore Up 
16 Boogie incl. Bullfrog Blues 
17 I'll Admit You're Gone 
18 The Mountain Road 
19 Tico tico


Live At The Marquee           (1980) A&M 68515
Live At The Venue             (1980) Receiver Records
Don't Point Your Finger       (1981) A&M 68521
Live In London                (1981) Indigo Records
Third Degree                  (1982) A&M 68537
Nine Below Zero               (1991) China CHI 9019
On The Road Again             (1991) China Records
Off The Hook                  (1992) China CHI 9033
Work Shy                      (1992)
The Best Of NBZ               (1994) China Records
NBZ With Alannah Myles        (1994)
Hot Music For A Cold Night    (1994) IRS Records US
Ice Station Zebro             (1995) Pangaea Records
Covers                        (1997) ZED Records
Saturday Night Live in London (1997) Indigo
Give Me No Lip Child          (2000) Indigo/Zomba 37345242
Chilled                       (2004) Zed Records
Live at the Marquee           (2004) Sony
Both Sides Of                 (2008) Angel Air/Fenn
It's Never Too Late!          (2009) Zed Records
The Co-Operative              (2011)
Live At The Marquee           (2012) UMC/Mercury CD/DVD
A to Zed - The Very Best of   (2013) Zed Records
Don't Point Your Finger       (2014) UMC 2CD Expanded Edition
Third Degree                  (2014) UMC 2CD Expanded Edition
Live At Gifhorn               (2016) Sireena 2CD
Avalanche                     (2019) Zed
Live at Rockpalast 1981+1996  (2020) MIG/Indigo 3CD+2DVD Box
Denmark                       (2024) Zed 2CD


On the Road Again              (2005) SPV DVD
Bring It On Home               (2007) DVD
Live at Rockpalast 1981+1996   (2020) MIG/Indigo 3CD+2DVD Box


Siehe auch Loreley 1981 Nine Below Zero
Rory Gallagher: Rockpalast Special 96 Infos zur Band of Friends, ausführliche Setlist
Nine Below Zero Homepage
Nine Below Zero
Nine Below Zero Wikipedia EN
Nine Below Zero Wikipedia DE
Robbie McIntosh
Paul Rose
De Dannan

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Nine Below Zero – Live At Rockpalast 1981 & 1996 (3CD+2DVD Box) - order now at Amazon !     DVD Info

CD - Ice Station Zebro - bei Amazon bestellen!

DVD - On the Road Again - order at Amazon!


In memory of Billy Powell (June 3, 1952 - January 28, 2009) and Gary Rossington (4. Dezember 1951 - 5. März 2023)  R.I.P.

Johnny Van Zant  


Johnny Van Zant (voc)
Gary Rossington (g)
Leon Wilkeson (b, b-voc)
Billy Powell (key)
Rickey Medlocke (g, b-voc)
Hughie Thomasson (g)
Owen Hale (dr)
Dale Krantz-Rossington (b-voc)
Carol Chase (b-voc)


01 Workin'For MCA  
02 I Ain't The One  
03 Down South Junkin'  
04 Double Trouble  
05 I Know A Little  
06 Saturday Night Special  
07 Swamp Music 
08 What's Your Name  
09 That Smell  
10 Simple Man  
11 Gimme Three Steps 
12 Call Me The Breeze  
13 Sweet Home Alabama  
14 Free Bird


Pronounced Leh-Nerd Skin-Nerd                    (1973) MCA 
Second Helping                                   (1974) MCA 
Nuthin' Fancy                                    (1975) MCA 
Gimme Back My Bullets                            (1976) MCA 
One More From The Road                           (1976) MCA 
Street Survivors                                 (1977) MCA 
Down South Jukin'                                (1978) MCA 
Skynyrd's First And...Last                       (1978) MCA 
Legend                                           (1987) MCA 
Southern By The Grace Of God: Lynyrd Skynyrd...  (1988) MCA 
Lynyrd Skynyrd                                   (1991) Atlantic 
The Last Rebel                                   (1993) Atlantic 
Endangered Species                               (1994) Capricorn 
Freebird: The Movie                              (1996) MCA 
Southern Knights                                 (1996) SPV 
What's Your Name                                 (1997) MCA 
Twenty                                           (1997) CMC International
Live from Steel Town                             (1998) SPV
Edge Of Forever                                  (1999) SPV
Then And Now                                     (2000) CMC Best of
Christmas Time Again                             (2000) SPV
One More From/For The Road                       (2001) MCA 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
Vicious Cycle                                    (2003) Sanctuary/Zomba
Lyve - The Vicious Cycle Tour                    (2004) Sanctuary
Lynyrd Skynyrd GOLD                              (2006) Universal 2CDs
Gods & Guns                                      (2009)
Live From Freedom Hall                           (2010) Roadrunner/Warner CD+DVD
Last Of A Dyin' Breed                            (2012) Roadrunner/Warner
Chattanooga Choo Choo                            (2015) in-akustik  The Classic Tennessee Broadcast
Taking The Biscuit                               (2015) in-akustik  The Classic 1975 Broadcast
Super Jam w.Dickie Betts,Charlie Daniels         (2016) Soulfood 1978
Back For More In '94                             (2016) in-akustik
Live In Atlantic City                            (2018) earMusic
Nothing Comes Easy 1991-2012                     (2021) Cherry Red 5CDs
Live At Knebworth '76                            (2021) Universal
FYFTY                                            (2023) Universal Super Deluxe Edition 4CD

Johnny & Donnie Van Zant: Brother To Brother (1998) SPV 085-18902 Van Zant II (2001) SPV Get Right With The Man (2005) Columbia/Universal


Live from Steel Town                             (1998) CMC Internatiol Video/DVD
Lynyrd Skynyrd Live                              (2004) Sanctuary DVD
Lynyrd Skynyrd At Rockpalast                     (2008) Edel            
Live From Freedom Hall                           (2010) Roadrunner/Warner CD+DVD
One More For The Fans                            (2015) earMusic/Edel
Pronounced LEN-NERD SKIN-NERD & Second Helping   (2015)  Eagle Vision


Lynyrd Skynyrd: An Oral History, by Lee Ballinger - Avon Books 1999


Lynyrd Skynyrd - Rockpalast Musikhalle Hamburg 05.12.1974
The Official Lynyrd Skynyrd Internet Home Page
Lynyrd Skynyrd
The Official Lynyrd Skynyrd History site
Lynyrd Skynyrd Wikipedia EN
Lynyrd Skynyrd Wikipedia DE

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Lynyrd Skynyrd DVD - Live at Rockpalast - bei Amazon bestellen!   -  DVD Info

Lynyrd Skynyrd DVD - Lyve from Steel Town - bei Amazon bestellen!

Live from Freedom Hall [CD+DVD] - bei Amazon bestellen!

Bildarchiv zum Open Air Loreley 1996

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